Hello....I am an amature artist, self taught, trotting along in life trying to learn as much as I can about becoming a better artist. Art is my way of expressing myself whether it be through painting, drawing, sculpture, or writing poetry.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Stormy weather

Friday, March 14, 2008
'Last Road Home' WIP...

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Pencil drawing of my nephew Tristan's feet held in his father's hands. This was on of my favorite pieces to draw.
Isn't life so precious? How fast it passes us by, how for granted we really take it.
This was done when Tristan was only a couple months old. They will never be this size again. Babies grow up so quickly and right before our eyes they grow up to be men and women that we have tried to mold into something wonderful and amazing.
My children are 16, 15 and 13 now. They are growing up so quickly. They are amazing teenagers and beautiful people with such potential for their future. I long for the day where they succeed further in life and can truly know that they have created a happiness for themselves and know that what they have done has gotten them there. They are very intelligent and athletic people and have so much to offer the world and I don't even think they realize just how much either. One day they will take the world in their hands and have children of their own to mold and teach and raise and what a blessing that will be.
We all must learn to never take our children for granted. We must always remember that we are who they learn and model from. Let them live and make choices for themselves and know and learn who THEY are as a human. We are here to guide them not control them, we are here to assist them and provide information and help to them, we are here to apply those band-aids where ever they are needed...but we must let them fall and make mistakes and bad decisions in order for them to learn and grow from this as well. Love your children and let them know everyday that you love them and mean something to you because before you know it, they will be gone.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Life as we see it is so different. What one sees another doesn't and how one sees things another sees it differently, much like art. These don't look like daisies are supposed to look, but how are they really supposed to look? How is anything really supposed to look..perfect? If everything was perfect then there would be nothing to strive for in life, nothing to make better, or nothing to change. Would we want life like that, I know I wouldn't. It would be too predictable, boring and monotonous.
Try to look at things in life whether they are objects or instances and try to find the imperfections in them that make them that much better. Try not to look at those imperfections as flaws rather as postive aspects in order to give us the opportunity to realize that nothing can or will be perfect which leaves the door open for change and growth.
Friday, March 07, 2008
Working with Oils

I am so new to using oils but figured it was time for me to really teach myself how to use them since a friend of mine uses them so much and loves them. It is inspiring me to really try them more. This is a dark picture because it is rainy here, will have to take another one later.
I got a call this morning for a potential job. It has been since Oct that I have been out of work. Raising kids on unemployment is practically impossible so I desperately NEED this job. It is good money so it will definitely help us get back on our feet again. I am hoping hoping my skills will land me at least an interview.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Catching up

I have been painting to help me get my mind off of everything that has been going on...well it doesn't help. I will update later with some pictures as soon as I take them and download them onto my computer.