Friday, August 22, 2008

'Untitled' 8 1/2 X 11 Canvas board

I used a pallet knife to carve out the tree. Not sure at all what to title this...have any ideas??

Started classes again this semester and enrolled in two upper level Psych classes...dang man--i have not taken psych classes since 04 and now i am hurting. I am feeling quite dumb to info that I should 'know/remember/have learned' because some things are re-iterating certain concepts and theories. So I am stressed about the fact that I will have to work extra hard to get through these classes and get the previous class books to refer back to. Needless to say this will leave hardly any extra 'I gotta paint or draw to relieve my stress and frustration' time.

Monday, August 04, 2008

In a world of such extreme uncertainty

Being certain of who we are,

While having the strength and character to firmly stand by that

With unyielding conviction and honest dedication,

Will guide you on your true path