Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Firey fun

Roasting Marshmallows one by one
Laughing, loving, having fun.
Bringing in the season of fall
camping trips and hay rides for all.
Colors change and temperatures drop
but outdoor fun we will not stop.

The other night the weather was cold so I decided to have a fire in the fire pit so we could roast marshmallows. The kids really had a good time doing this. I took some really crazy pictures!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Let's all take the time to remember those who lost their lives and loved ones as well as those affected by this tragic event in anyway. Over 3000 people lost their lives 7 years ago. For those not affected, it is so easy to forget and move on, but for others the memory haunts them every single day and some are unable to 'move on' from it.